Dakota Johnson deserves credit for keeping a straight face through "Fifty Shades of Grey" and -- out February 10 -- "Fifty Shades Darker." But she couldn't hold it together through her hilarious Mad Lib Theater segment on "The Tonight Show." For once, Jimmy Fallon was not the one cracking up through a scene ... or at least not as much as the actual star. To be fair, though, it's hard to stay deadpan with lines like this:
"When I'm around you I feel like a Zamboni driver at a funeral. You know?"
"I've heard that before."
Mad Libs Theater is a regular segment on Fallon's "Tonight Show," forcing guests to give him adjectives, nouns, body parts, etc., and then folding them into a scenario they play out live in front of the studio audience.
Watch how the "Fifty Shades Darker" Mad Libs scene played out:Everybody do the Hairless Sausage dance!
Dakota Johnson (Anastasia Steele) and Jamie Dornan (Christian Grey) seem to be having a good time promoting the second movie in the "Fifty Shades" franchise. Yesterday, Jamie Dornan spoofed "Fifty Shades Darker" on "Ellen," and then he talked to Jimmy Kimmel about his newly shaved head.
"Fifty Shades Darker" is out next Friday, Feb. 10, and the third film, "Fifty Shades Freed," is currently scheduled for February 2018.