Oops! Theater Shows R-Rated 'Sausage Party' Trailer Before 'Finding Dory'

Honestly, with a title like "Sausage Party," it could've been a lot worse.

Pretty much everyone, especially everyone with young'uns, went to see "Finding Dory" when it came out, and they got to see a few trailers before the movie. One theater in Concord, CA, got itself in (ahem) hot water for accidentally playing the trailer to "Sausage Party" before "Finding Dory."

At first glance, it makes sense -- "Sausage Party" is an animated movie and it looks like the kind of family film that fits the theme. But ... nope! It's an R-rated movie from Seth Rogen's gang, filled with sexual innuendo and horror film violence, following the story of what happens when supermarket food discovers its true fate is to be slaughtered and eaten by humans.

Here's the trailer:
The movie theater's VP of operations apologized in a statement (via East Bay Times), saying it was a simple mistake that they corrected quickly, if not quickly enough:

"Playing that trailer was a one-time honest mistake by a theater manager moving screens around in effort to accommodate several large last-minute groups wanting to see 'Dory.' The wrong movie was started by mistake.

"It was caught soon, but not until the trailer played. We regret it, apologize for it, and we are not happy that it happened. We fully realize this trailer is not appropriate for 'Dory' and we would never schedule something like that. The trailer for 'Sausage Party' is not and never has been scheduled with 'Dory."

You know who loved this honest mistake? Seth Rogen!

Seriously, this is all just great publicity for his film, which opens August 12th. It's not clear if many parents complained about the trailer or if the theater itself just discovered the mistake first, but either way, with a title like "Sausage Party" ... you know what those kids could've seen.

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