Despite the looming merger with Disney/Marvel Studios, 20th Century Fox is "going 100 miles per hour" with multiple "X-Men" movies and other Marvel-led projects in the coming year.
"We actually have way more in development and production in Marvel IP than at any point in the history of the studio," a Fox insider told The Hollywood Reporter. "There's been zero slowdown on that front given Disney."
THR said Fox has several films in development to further develop the "X-Men" and "Fantastic Four" brands. A Silver Surfer standalone movie is being written by comic book and TV writer Brian K. Vaughan. (Hey, remember the 2007 movie "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer." Apologies if you'd rather forget.) And a Doctor Doom movie is in the works from Noah Hawley ("Fargo," "Legion").
There are two "X-Men" movies coming out this year -- "Deadpool 2" and "X-Men: Dark Phoenix" -- with three more expected in 2019 and three more the following year.
Fox's "Deadpool" spinoff, "X-Force," is set to start filming in October, bringing back Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool and Josh Brolin as Cable. "New Mutants" is going back for more filming this summer for its February 2019 release. "Gambit" is still looking for a director but a new script draft is expected in March and the studio is still pushing it to move forward.
Many fans reacted to the reports with frustration. Why is Fox stepping on the gas instead of the brakes when it comes to adapting Marvel characters? Why not leave the characters alone until they can be blended into the Marvel Cinematic Universe after the Disney merger?
— Sugar Gay (@NotCanuel) February 27, 2018
As much as I'd love a Silver Surfer movie... Why not wait for the MCU merge for the movie to happen?
— Alex (@AlexMarks182) February 27, 2018
i mean come on already they sold it, it should be under disney Marvel again Fox gunna just ruin another piece of the MCU and confuse everyone. Come on can we respect The Fantastic Four already they have been dragged thru the mud let Marvel handle it they know what they are doing.
— Organic (@JordanWollin20) February 27, 2018
Say what ever you want about the 2005 FF movie and the 2007 sequel . They obviously wern't masterpieces but they were enjoyable . However with the possibility of the Fox deal going through , who even wants a Silver Surfer movie from Fox .
— Superhero Fanatic (@wells_jaron) February 27, 2018
I have faith in K Vaughn....but when has Fox actually had faith in their creative teams? The executives take everything to the chopping block (except Deadpool) ...all I see in this post is "Fox ties up rights to F4 franchise"🧐🤨
— Burghtown Music™ (@ptothehyphen) February 27, 2018
It's not that Brian K. Vaughan isn't capable. He's an AMAZING writer who creates interesting worlds and controversial content. I'm a big fan of his work. To be honest, some people just don't trust FOX anymore. The fact that they admit to rushing it is even worse.
— Jennifer (@JayelesDesigns) February 27, 2018
can we let the Disney acquisition deal go through ffs...nobody wants to see @20thcenturyfox butcher marvel properties anymore
— pinche labeouf (@utookmyhandle) February 27, 2018
THR's report did share some hints as to why Fox is pushing all of this through now, instead of waiting for Disney. "They have to proceed as business as usual in case the merger doesn't go through," one agent whose clients work on Fox's Marvel movies told THR. "It's a unique position to be in." Stay tuned for what actually moves forward. Several fans suspect the Silver Surfer standalone won't ever make it to screen.
At least the "Deadpool" movies seem to be on the right track. The sequel opens in theaters May 18th, 2018 -- just a couple of weeks after the Disney MCU's "Avengers: Infinity War."
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