Holy Sith, the First 'Rogue One' Reviews May Make You Weep

Nissan Rogue One Star Wars Limited Edition at World PremiereBreak out your happy Ewok dance, "Star Wars" fans.

Not even the Millennium Falcon could fly hopes for "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" any higher but, based on early reactions, Jyn Erso's rebel yell will not let you down. Far from it. Lucky critics and fans got a look at the standalone movie at the Los Angeles premiere, and shared quick thoughts on Twitter. (Reviews will be posted starting Tuesday.) Because the film had major reshoots, and some shuffling behind-the-scenes, many fans worried for the final product. Their lack of faith was disturbing, and apparently unwarranted.

Here are some of the reactions:

So that's what they thought. The timeline places "Rogue One" right before "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope," but it remains to be seen where fans will rank it on their list of favorites: toward the OGs, the prequels, or the just-starting-sequels?

"Rogue One," directed by Gareth Edwards and starring Felicity Jones, opens this Friday, December 16.

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