The great Leonard Nimoypassed away on February 27, 2015, at age 83. So as of this Saturday we have lived and prospered, in our own ways, for a year without the iconic "Star Trek" actor. The new Spock, Zachary Quinto, was on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" Wednesday night to promote his new play, and he shared a sweet tribute to the man he came to know as a friend:
"We actually lost Leonard a year ago on the 27th of this month. So much love to him and his family, of course. I've never met somebody who so fully embodied a sense of fulfillment in their life. I really haven't. He was such a tremendous artist and philanthropist and generous person and so intelligent. And I miss him all the time. I really miss him so much at this point, obviously, marking the anniversary of his passing. He was one of the greatest gifts that my career has brought into my person life."
Zachary said Nimoy's wife flew out to L.A. for the opening of his play, adding that she is as much a part of his life as the late actor was. "I feel really lucky to have known them on so many levels, for sure."
Here's the full video:
Zachary returns to the role of Spock in "Star Trek Beyond," which is scheduled for release on July 22, 2016.