Ryan provided voice-over narration for "Huntwatch," which will have its world premiere at DOC NYC on November 14. In the behind-the-scenes video below, you can see portions of the documentary and hear Ryan's take on the "incredible" 90-minute film, which follows the 50-year battle for baby seals on the ice floes of Canada.
"This is a film I think unlike any other," Ryan said. "Like any good documentary, it really examines both sides of the issue in a way that is incredibly thoughtful and, I guess it's safe to say, moving as well."
Here's the behind-the-scenes clip:
Huntwatch BTS - Ryan Reynolds Narration Recording Session from Huntwatch on Vimeo.
"Huntwatch" director Brant Backlund echoed that the doc aims to show multiple perspectives on the debate, as opposed to just sharing one side. "The Canadian seal hunt is a very intense and complicated issue," he said, in a press release. "From the get-go, my goal was to tell an honest story bringing both sides of this conflict to life. We were really excited to have Ryan Reynolds on board because as a Canadian he brings an authentic voice to the film."
Here's a description of the movie on the "Huntwatch" site:
We'll have to stay tuned to see where the documentary goes next, after the world premiere at DOC NYC. You can get more details on the official site, which also posted a harrowing trailer.The hottest controversy in Canada rages on frozen ice. Historically sealing was considered a respectable job, even heroic, until people witnessed it in their living rooms for the first time - graphic images too sensitive for most.
Appalled by what he saw, a charismatic young activist named Brian Davies set out on a personal crusade to save the seals. Little did he know the battle would last the rest of his life. Davies started a movement to end the hunt. He raised money to bring media out to document the hunt on the remote ice floes.
His images and stories led to international outrage. The pressure reached a head in the 1980s when the European Parliament banned the import of baby white seal products - effectively shutting down the hunt.
But the war is not over. Both sides are fighting dirty. Canadian politicians have revived the hunt. This time, they are in search of slightly older seals just starting to shed their fluffy white fur. At about two weeks old, they are now legal.
Now, a young, tough activist has taken the torch. Sheryl Fink is leading the huntwatch and fighting to completely end the commercial seal hunt - once and for all. At 78 years old, Brian Davies hopes that he will live to see a victory for his seals, while the sealing industry is doing everything it can to keep the hunt alive.
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