No offense to "Olaf's Frozen Adventure." Fans just wonder why Disney-Pixar let it goooooo on for 20 minutes before "Coco."
"Coco" was a hit at the box office over Thanksgiving weekend, naturally, but the decision to air a very long "Frozen" short before "Coco" was not so popular. It's not that fans don't like "Frozen," or that there was something wrong with the new story. That's not the problem. They were just confused why something THAT LONG had to play before the movie they paid for. It wasn't exactly a short short.
Apparently it made life rough for movie theater employees as well as fans:
shout out to disney for making my life harder. i had about 70 confused customers who thought they were in the wrong theater since disney decided to put a 20 minute frozen short before coco.
— Hannah (@hestntalien) November 22, 2017
LOL the theater has signs up warning people the FROZEN Short before COCO is 21 mins
— Jacob (@JEBermanator) November 24, 2017
L O L my local theater has a big warning poster that there's a 20 minute Frozen short before Coco
— gunblades mcqueen (@1001cranes) November 26, 2017
Sometimes I wake up covered in sweat and screaming, filled with the horrifying certainty that I'm STILL watching that seemingly endless Frozen "short" that played before Coco.
— Jhonen Vasquez (@JhonenV) November 26, 2017
They say in the moment before you die a 22 minute Frozen short flashes before your eyes.
— Arnie Niekamp (@misterarnie) November 26, 2017
Me, watching the six-hour Frozen "short" that played before Coco.
— Andy Herren (@AndyHerren) November 26, 2017
My 8-year old nephew, after the excruciating 20 minute Frozen short in front of Coco: "Nobody asked for that"
— Nicholas Gurewitch (@PerryFellow) November 25, 2017
Agree strongly with this. The short was a little too long and just fine, but I would have rather just gone into #Coco because it is a brilliant and beautiful movie.
— Anjelica Oswald (@thisisjelli) November 27, 2017
Poor Olaf. Maybe if they had played it after the movie? Or made the short optional, and made that clear, so families could come 20 minutes later, during some kind of brief intermission before "Coco" started?
[via: Twitter]
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