Who, which, and whatsit all about? These teasers for "A Wrinkle in Time" are here to answer all your questions about the Mrs-es.
Mindy Kaling, Oprah Winfrey, and Reese Witherspoon play, respectively, Mrs. Who, Mrs. Which, and Mrs. Whatsit, the supernatural beings who help Meg Murray (Storm Reid) on her universe-spanning quest to find her father (Chris Pine).
This clip introduces Witherspoon's Mrs. Whatsit, who confounds Meg and Mrs. Murry (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) but delights Charles Wallace (Deric McCabe), who declares her "harmless." She's certainly dressed fabulously.
This behind-the-scenes featurette delves into the making of the Mrs-es, focusing on their fantastical outfits, dreamed up by costume designer Paco Delgado. "There's nothing subtle about any of it," Witherspoon laughs of the outrageous colors.
Each of the three celestial beings has her own look and style, which was tailored to her personality. So, Mrs. Whatsit wears vibrant, earthy fabrics, while Mrs. Who reflects different cultures. And then there's Mrs. Which, who is the diva of the bunch and has the biggest hair.