New dad George Clooney is still adjusting to fatherhood, but in a new interview, the actor says it's his wife, Amal Alamuddin Clooney, who's deserving of the praise when it comes to parenting their twins.
Speaking with the Associated Press, Clooney chatted about life with newborns Alexander and Ella, who were born on June 6. And while the actor joked about "clean[ing] the barf off of my tux" before he hits any red carpets, he also had some more contemplative comments about how parenthood changes a person.
"Suddenly, you're responsible for other people, which is terrifying," Clooney told the AP.
But when it comes to Alamuddin Clooney, the actor said that his human rights lawyer wife is more than capable of handling the challenge.
"She's like an Olympic athlete," Clooney said. "She's doing so beautifully."
Though Clooney is gearing up for the release of his latest directorial effort, "Suburbicon," he said his current focus is a bit more domestic.
"Right now my job is changing diapers and walking them around a little bit," the actor-director told the AP. "I really didn't think at 56 that I would be the parent of twins. Don't make plans. You always have to just enjoy the ride."