There's no Force in the galaxy that can stop you from laughing out loud, so many times, as you watch this "Bad Lip Reading." Just Kylo Ren and his "funky breath" alone. Perfection.
Today, the Internet blessed us with a special "Bad Lip Reading" of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" featuring Mark Hamill himself as Han Solo. Yeah, Harrison Ford plays the character on screen -- and Hamill's Luke Skywalker doesn't even have any lines in this movie -- but Hamill is a renowned voice actor, and it's just so wonderfully meta to have him join a BLR.
Here it is:• "A pickle? A zoo? A sassy vagrant? Six kittens in a bag of water?! Poop on a stick?"
• "Listen, baby, you know I need that puppet bird."
• "They've got a sick blouse -- on sale."
It's hard to pick a favorite part, but the section from 2:50 to 3:25 might be the best -- from Chewie's "huuuhhh?" to "Happy birthday, Bill."
You know who probably would've loved the whole absurd thing? Carrie Fisher.