Let's get this out of the way: "Super Mario Bros." is a nonsensical, ugly, terribly written, horribly acted mess of a movie. Yet, we endured all 104 minutes of it because a job's a job and the movie-watching public needs to be warned.
Yes, the CAN'T WAIT! crew plunged into to the deep end of the 1993 comedy/sci-fi/fantasy "movie" thanks to a decidedly misled whim of one Mr. Tony Maccio, who seems to think that nostalgia > competent filmmaking. While he is objectively wrong, he sticks to his guns. Questions asked in this week's episode include: "What the hell is even going on?" "Why did you make us watch this?" and "How do we create a device that removes this movie from our brains?" We also talk about the movie's redeeming quality. Yes, that's "quality" not "qualities." It only has one, and even that's up for debate.
Next week, we'll be discussing Tim's pick, 1987's "Overboard," a delightful romp of a rom-com starring Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell, which features a scheme that, if executed in real-life, would probably result in kidnapping charges, multiple arrests, and childhoods being spent in foster care.
Listen to CAN'T WAIT! A Movie Lover's Podcast Episode 20: 'Super Mario Bros.'Total runtime: 49:48
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CAN'T WAIT! A Movie Lover's Podcast by Moviefone celebrates Hollywood's guiltiest pleasures by taking a fresh look at critically ignored movies and giving them a second chance at life. Join Moviefone editors Tim Hayne, Rachel Horner, Phil Pirrello, and Tony Maccio as they extol the virtues and expose the failings (with love!) of nostalgic movies.