The movie begins with Peter Parker (Tom Holland) attempting to return to normal life in Queens after being recruited by Tony "Iron Man" Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) in "Captain America: Civil War." As co-producer Eric Hauserman Carroll teased to USA Today, "He literally just went to Europe with the coolest clique of them all. And now he's back with the academic decathlon and the mathletes and going, 'What am I doing here?'"
Is Peter Parker too cool for school now? Maybe. But he's still just a teen trying to figure things out. "This is really a movie where Spider-Man's not the finished article," Tom Holland said. "He really does learn and he makes massive mistakes. It's nice to see a kid do that and then try to rectify those mistakes."
The story also shared more on the supporting cast:
"The first time we see the Vulture is terrifying," Holland said. "It's like a horror movie: really scary, very intense and shocking." A horror movie? Well, color us intrigued, Underoos. We can't wait to see it all play out on July 7th, 2017.Jacob Batalon as Peter's best friend Ned Leeds
Laura Harrier as his dream girl Liz Allan
Tony Revolori as bully Flash Thompson
Zendaya as their classmate Michelle.
Marisa Tomei returning as Aunt May
Michael Keaton as Adrian Toomes/aka the Vulture.
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