No weapons, no magic, and -- technically -- no princesses. But this rap battle between Hermione Granger of "Harry Potter" and Katniss Everdeen of "The Hunger Games" is one for the books.
Whitney Avalon does a series of Princess Rap Battles, and even though neither Hermione nor Katniss is a princess, they are royally badass in this video. Avalon takes on the role of Katniss, opposite "Castle" star Molly C. Quinn as Hermione.
Here's a portion of Katniss's opening takedown:
Pathetic and predictable I'm hot on your trail/Could've had a Viktor but you chose ginger fail?/I bet with wands drawn he's still just a yawn with performances worse than Michael Gambon."
Here's a small part of Hermione's response:
I'll end this blasted skrewt propaganda prostitute who thinks she's so cute with her Girl Scout salute/Just a tribute, can't decide which guy's sweeter/Share your bread with Gale and stuff your mouth with Peeta."
Oh man. It gets better. Just watch.
Now you get to decide who wins: Five points to Gryffindor or are the odds in Katniss's favor?