"I think Deadpool may have been drunk?" guesses one child in this priceless "How Deadpool Spent Halloween" video, posted by Ryan Reynolds. Another kid adds, wistfully, "I really wish we could sew his mouth shut again." Well, they don't call him the Merc with a Mouth for nothing!
Ryan dressed as Deadpool for Halloween, which is fitting since he stars in the upcoming "Deadpool" movie, which has been billed as a "hard R." In keeping with the spirit of that non-kid-friendly superhero movie, here's Ryan dropping f-bombs at children dressed as "X-Men" characters for Halloween, dissing their stupid superpowers, handing out knives, talkin' bout sex, and suggesting they start a little f--king crime.
Ry-guy tweeted out the video with the teaser, "Deadpool's school for not so gifted youngsters." Here goes:
Classic! Even the video synopsis is genius: "A Deadpool documentary: the behind the scenes video of the making of a photo you may or may not have seen."
The photo is the one shown above, which Ryan had tweeted out in Nov. 1: