Now that Star Wars and Disney are in the same family, it was only a matter of time before someone made a brilliant mashup like this. After all, Disney runs the Happiest Place on Earth and Star Wars covers the Coolest Place in the Galaxy. When they combine you get "Star Wars: Where Dreams Come True," a wonderful mix of the upcoming "Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens," and Disney characters from "Beauty and the Beast," "The Lion King," "Frozen," "Snow White," "Dumbo," "Aladdin," "Peter Pan" and many more. It fits. (The Millennium Falcon always was kind of like a magic carpet, no?)
The video comes from PistolShrimps, with a few Belle crossovers, a nice shot of Maleficent as a dragon, a genius cameo for hyenas, one really sad (but kinda hilarious) scene for poor Olaf, and -- of course -- the inevitable use of James Earl Jones, aka voice of Darth Vader and Mufasa.
Check it out:
The real "Force Awakens" opens December 18. It may be too much to hope for at least a flying Dumbo cameo, but we can dream.