The Internet is like Vegas -- what happens there stays there, even when you try to delete it. The "Suicide Squad" trailer played to high praise at Comic-Con, and there was a glimpse of a guy walking ahead of the Joker. (You can see it around the 2:14 mark of the trailer below.) That's actor Jim Parrack (Hoyt on "True Blood") and it has apparently been confirmed that he's playing Jonny Frost, aka the Joker's (Jared Leto) henchman.
The first rumors about this casting came from TheWrap's Jeff Sneider, who said (a few months ago) that he'd been told from reliable sources that Parrack would play Jonny Frost. Confirmation just recently came from a now-deleted Instagram photo from actress Corina Calderon. She has a small role in the movie and posted a photo of herself, writing, "All #HappyCamper on my way to set again, going earlier than my #CallTime just to be there and watch my boy Jim Parrack playing #JonnyFrost do his Thang #SuicideSquad."
That post was deleted, but the Internet saved it, and you can also see a screenshot of Frost walking ahead of the Joker, in a still from the trailer:
Here's the trailer again: Screen Rant shared some details on the character:
Jonny Frost appears in Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo's 2008 graphic novel "Joker", as a bottom-rung thug who becomes a temporary chauffeur for the Joker after the supervillain takes a shine to him."
We'll have to see what director David Ayer and company do with the character on film. What do you think about "Suicide Squad" so far? It opens August 5, 2016.