We know it's hard to keep track of all the streaming entertaining options out there, and that's why Moviefone is here to keep you in-the-know and help you choose what to view.

Allow our new video series, "Stream On," to fill you in on what's new on Netflix and Amazon every week and give you our streaming picks for what's worth watching. This week we're all about Netflix's new original series, "The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt," Aziz Ansari's latest standup special "Live From Madison Square Garden," and the 1976 De Niro classic, "Taxi Driver." Stream on, everyone!

Allow our new video series, "Stream On," to fill you in on what's new on Netflix and Amazon every week and give you our streaming picks for what's worth watching. This week we're all about Netflix's new original series, "The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt," Aziz Ansari's latest standup special "Live From Madison Square Garden," and the 1976 De Niro classic, "Taxi Driver." Stream on, everyone!
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