"All the Money in the World" was already done, and director Ridley Scott was just finalizing the music, when all of the allegations against Kevin Spacey came out. Spacey had completely transformed to play J. Paul Getty in the movie. But Scott told Entertainment Weekly, after thinking about it, he realized they couldn't go ahead with Spacey. "You can't tolerate any kind of behavior like that. And it will affect the film. We cannot let one person's action affect the good work of all these other people. It's that simple."
A flurry of phone calls to agents took place, and Scott flew to New York to meet with Christopher Plummer. Plummer and the original cast members -- including Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Williams -- gathered to reshoot scenes, with Plummer in Spacey's role as J. Paul Getty.
This was just a few weeks ago. All the while, Scott insisted he could make the film's December 22 release date. He's still confident -- even thrilled, it sounds from the EW interview -- that he can put it all together in time.
A new trailer just came out today, featuring Plummer, briefly, as Getty:Compare that to the previous trailer, released in September, featuring a heavily made-up Spacey:Plummer's Getty is also shown in a new character poster, via EW:
Plummer does seem to be a natural fit for this cold, rich patriarch role.
For the record, Scott said he and Spacey haven't talked about all of this. He said if Spacey had called him, he still would've replaced him, but they would've had a conversation before moving on.
"All the Money in the World" comes out December 22 in theaters.