The new "Scarface" is getting the Coen brothers treatment.
Universal Pictures announced that Joel and Ethan Coen are polishing the script for a re-imagination of the classic 1983 mob drama. The new take tweaks the original story slightly; instead of a Cuban immigrant rising through the Miami gangster ranks, a Mexican immigrant played by "Rogue One" star Diego Luna will do the same in Los Angeles.
Now that Antoine Fuqua ("Training Day") is no longer attached to direct, the studio is reportedly considering Peter Berg ("Patriots Day") and David Mackenzie ("Hell or High Water") to take the helm.
The "Scarface" reboot has long been in the works. "Boardwalk Empire" creator Terence Winter was hired to rewrite a script by Jonathan Herman ("Straight Outta Compton"). Now, the Coen brothers — well known for their script doctoring on "Unbroken," "Bridge of Spies," and other films — take over.
The new "Scarface" is set for an August 2018 release.
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