Just when you thought you were safe from the disgusting premise of "The Human Centipede" comes word that the third -- and final -- installment in the gross-out horror franchise has a release date and synopsis ready for you to digest.
Entertainment Weekly reports that "Human Centipede Part 3 (Final Sequence)" is set to debut in theaters and on VOD on May 22. Writer-director Tom Six is back for the last round, as are stars Dieter Laser (from the first flick) and Laurence R. Harvey (from "The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence)"). Actor Eric Roberts will make his franchise debut in "Final Sequence."
Six told EW that this last "Centipede" film is "100 percent politically incorrect," and based on the official synopsis, that boast seems 100 percent right. Here's the lowdown, per EW:
Bully prison warden Bill Boss (Dieter Laser), leading a big state prison in the US of A, has a lot of problems; his prison statistically has the highest amount of prison riots, medical costs and staff turnover in the country. But foremost he is unable to get the respect he thinks he deserves from his inmates and the state Governor (Eric Roberts). He constantly fails in experimenting with different ideas for the ideal punishment to get the inmates in line, which drives him, together with the sizzling heat, completely insane. Under threats of termination by the Governor, his loyal right hand man Dwight (Laurence R Harvey) comes up with a brilliant idea. A revolutionary idea which could change the American prison system for good and save billions of dollars. An idea based on the notorious Human Centipede movies, that will literally and figuratively get the inmates on their knees, creating the ultimate punishment and deterrent for anyone considering a life of crime. Having nothing to lose, Bill and Dwight create a jaw-dropping 500-person prison centipede.
If the idea of a 500-person centipede coupled with meta references to the first two flicks floats your boat, then you're in luck. Look for "Human Centipede Part 3 (Final Sequence)" this May. (And look for us losing our lunch in the corner.)
[via: Entertainment Weekly]
Photo credit: Ian West/PA WIRE