Leslie Jones Leaves Twitter in Tears After Attacks, Twitter CEO Responds

Premiere Of Sony Pictures' "Ghostbusters" - ArrivalsOh, Twitter. You bring out the worst and best (but more often worst) in so many people. "Ghostbusters" star is not the first person to be attacked on Twitter, but she retweeted some of her disgusting racist and sexist messages -- including ones from a fake account with her name -- calling out for help to stop the cruel people who have come after her just because ... why? They don't like her new movie? They don't personally find her attractive? Just because they can get away with being so awful and that's reason enough?

There's a lot more, but ... ugh. The good news after all of Leslie's personal attacks is that she got an outpouring of support from fans and colleagues, including her own hashtag .

Also, Leslie's tweets reached Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who reached out to her, and whose company release a statement on Tuesday:

Here's Twitter's statement, via a spokesperson to the Associated Press:

"This type of abusive behavior is not permitted on Twitter, and we've taken action on many of the accounts reported to us by both Leslie and others. We rely on people to report this type of behavior to us but we are continuing to invest heavily in improving our tools and enforcement systems to prevent this kind of abuse. We realize we still have a lot of work in front of us before Twitter is where it should be on how we handle these issues."

It's pretty sad that so much of "free speech" is "hate speech." "Kind speech" and "no speech" are also free, you know. Hopefully Leslie returns to Twitter, instead of letting the trolls win, since there are more people who are on her side than against her.

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