Will Damian Lewis Be the Next James Bond?

'Romeo And Juliet' Premiere - The 8th Rome Film FestivalAre our dreams of Idris Elba as the next James Bond shattered?

Maybe so, according to British bookmaker William Hill, which dramatically pushed up former "Homeland" star Damian Lewis on the list of potential new Bonds. As the Hollywood Reporter notes, Lewis's odds are at 3-1, close to favorite Elba's 5-2. That puts the "Band of Brothers" actor ahead of Tom Hardy (4-1), Henry Cavill (5-1), and Michael Fassbender (7-1).

The change in odds for Lewis comes out of nowhere, but then again, speculating on the next Bond is one of British movie fans' favorite pastimes. Elba's name has been in the mix for years - despite the fact that Daniel Craig is signed on for one more movie after this year's "Spectre."

If Lewis did win the role, he'd be the first ginger Bond in the franchise, which the actor joked about a couple of years ago, saying that the Scottish heritage outlined in "Skyfall" paved the way perfectly for a red-headed Bond."

Still, we're years out from needing a new Bond, and it seems counterintuitive that the producers would replace Craig, 47, with someone nearly his own age (Lewis is 44, Elba is 42). After Craig's run, wouldn't it be a better move to freshen up the franchise with a younger face?

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