Rose McGowan Loses Agent After Sharing Sexist Adam Sandler Casting Note

It's a sad state of things when examples of Hollywood's rampant sexism become more and more frequent as time goes on. Such is the case for actress Rose McGowan, who found herself without an agent after she shared a ridiculous casting suggestion from an unnamed Adam Sandler film.

The saga started last week when McGowan tweeted out a note that she says was attached to a script she received. The instructions called for actresses to wear a "form fitting tank that shows off cleavage," with the kicker that "push up bras [are] encouraged." "Form fitting leggings or jeans" were also required.
McGowan -- who not-so-subtly hinted that the note was from a movie starring Sandler -- laughed it off, but apparently annoyed the powers that be at her agency, Innovative Artists. Late Wednesday, McGowan revealed on Twitter that she was dropped by her agent over her remarks. (Reports suggesting that Sheila Wenzel, McGowan's former agent who left Innovative earlier this week, was the one who dumped the actress, were quickly debunked by McGowan).

"I just got fired by my wussy acting agent because I spoke up about the bulls--t in Hollywood," McGowan tweeted, using the hashtag #BRINGIT, among other colorful language. "The awesome thing about being an artist? You can't be fired from your own mind," the actress added in another tweet.
We're glad McGowan is being such a good sport over the issue -- which, again, to recap, came about because of a super-sexist casting note that was ridiculous in every way, and worth calling out. Good for her for standing up for herself, and for all women in Hollywood, regardless of the consequences.

"I'm not trying to vilify Adam Sander," McGowan said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly that was conducted before her firing. "I was offended by the stupidity more than anything. I was offended by the fact that went through so many people's hands and nobody red flagged it. This is normal to so many people. It was probably even a girl that had to type it up. It's institutionally okay."

A source close to Sandler's Happy Madison production company told Variety that "[Sandler and his team] were not aware the casting director sent this note out," adding, "They felt it was completely inappropriate and have made sure that it has not been sent out again."

[via: Rose McGowan, Rose McGowan]

Photo credit: Getty Images

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