'Masterminds' Trailer: Zach Galifianakis Pulls Off the Heist of the Century

MastermindsSometimes, less (brains) is more (money). At least, that's the case in the new trailer for the upcoming comedy "Masterminds."

Zach Galifianakis stars as a rather dim-witted armored truck driver who gets in league with a rather dim-witted criminal (Owen Wilson) to rob $17 million from a bank. The story is based on true events that took place in North Carolina, and the movie is directed by Jared Hess, so the movie seems to have some of that quirky "Napoleon Dynamite" feel to it.

"Masterminds" is definitely stuffed with comedy talent, with Kristen Wiig as Galifianakis's love interest and Jason Sudeikis as a rather dim-witted hitman. The movie opens in theaters August 7.

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